How does Hypnosis Work?
How does Hypnosis Work?
When you are so absorbed in an activity that distractions seem to fade away and your focus is increased you might, as others have, describe it as being in the “zone.” Time is distorted or seems to not exist at all. And when you stop this activity, you’re surprised at how much time just sped by. It’s almost as if you have become the activity itself. It is a state of complete absorption. Baseball pitchers are so focused on the mound that even on a jam-packed day when the fans are screaming their guts out, they don’t hear a sound. These are all examples of “natural trances,” which induces our minds to become extremely focused.
In a hypnotist’s office, trance is induced by helping the client ease into a very relaxed state of body and mind. He accomplishes this by one of numerous techniques at his disposal, such as guided-imagery. During the induction and through the trance itself, the hypnotist uses a soft, soothing voice that acts to almost lull his client into hypnotic trance.